3:30pm-4:30pm (refreshments at 3:15pm)
Bechtel Collaboratory in the Discovery Learning Center (DLC)
University of Colorado at Boulder
The Center for Transportation and Hydrogen Systems at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is comprised of six research groups focusing on energy storage, advanced vehicle systems, hydrogen analysis, market deployment, simulation, testing, integration, and fuels performance. NREL applies a technology-neutral approach across these six areas to identify multiple pathways to sustainable and versatile low carbon transportation solutions. This talk will briefly touch on research activities in each of these technical areas and then provide a deeper dive into fuels performance research looking at biomass derived “drop in” hydrocarbon fuels and emissions and performance issues related to high octane fuels.
The seminar is held at the Discovery Learning Center (DLC) at the University of Colorado. Parking is free with a permit, which is provided at the seminar. The location for parking is shown in the map below.
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